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Inside the Metcash Distribution Centre in Canning Vale, Western Australia, no two days are the same. With tens of thousands of cases picked and sent out the door to independent retailers across the state every day, there’s plenty of jobs and career opportunities that keep the team busy. Today, we’re taking you behind the scenes with two of our seasoned pros, Derek and John, to give you a peek into what it’s like working in the hustle and bustle of our warehouse.

First up, meet Derek, a Metcash veteran with an impressive 27-year career with us under his belt. “I’ve done pretty much every single role there is in the warehouse over my 27 years,” he shares. From starting out as a picker to now holding the position of Leading Hand in Country Dispatch, Derek’s seen it all. What keeps him going? “It’s the constant growth, being able to learn new skills and expand on my career. Every day brings something new, and I love that challenge.”

We also got to sit down with John, who’s been part of the Metcash family for 12 years now. “What drew me in and kept me here? Well, it’s the physicality of the job for starters. It keeps me fit and strong, which is something that has a big impact on my overall well-being,” he shares. But it’s not just about keeping fit for John; it’s also about the sense of community. “We’ve got really good people on this team, and it’s the people that make the work fun.”

The perks are great, but it doesn’t stop there

For many in our distribution centres, it’s the hours of work that play a massive role in their work-life balance. “I love starting early and being able to knock off at 2pm each day,” said Derek, “it means I’m able to pick my kids up from school. And the RDO’s make a huge difference when I can take the family away for regular long weekends camping”. For John, it’s also the location making a big impact in his life. “Being out of the city and not battling the traffic every day is a game-changer,” he chuckled.

Although the team love the perks of the job, they’re not the only reason they’ve stuck around so long. “Working in a warehouse environment comes with its risks,” said John, “but the emphasis on safety at Metcash is next level, it’s something I’ve seen grow and grow in my time here.” Derek agrees, “Absolutely, and it’s not just about the gear; it’s the culture. We look out for each other, and make sure everyone goes home in one piece.”

Derek and John are always keen to recommend the Metcash distribution centre for people wanting to grow their career in logistics. “Something that I always see surprise new starters when they join the DC is the sheer size of the warehouse. It’s massive, and it really helps people have that ‘wow’ moment about the size of Metcash as an organisation,” John explained.

Derek left us with some words of wisdom at the end, “I think that people who think these jobs are ‘unskilled’ are totally wrong, there’s a lot of skill in driving the equipment and stacking the cartons perfectly. For anyone wanting to grow their skills, I’d say our workplace here at Canning Vale is the perfect place.”